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Matters: be of importance; have significance.

I wanted to write this letter as this is of most importance for all leaders. As we start and progress through our careers, we do not ask ourselves this question enough: "What matters most?". I know I was guilty of losing focus on what was most important. My focus was on those items that were temporary instead of permanent, which I will explain in detail.

If you were to reflect on what has been a priority in your life and leadership, look at what you spend your time on or who you spend your time with. After you determine that, examine the amount of time and the quality of time you spend on those priorities. Next, ask yourself, "Does it give life to you and those around you?" I know you may not spend the time right now walking through this exercise, but I am hoping that those questions will resonate in your heart over the next few days and that the answers will rise up and become clear to you. This evaluation will lead to the profound statement made in Matthew 6:21, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be." 

Consider this: temporary things make us happy, but permanent things bring us joy! Temporary things will require constant maintenance and eventually be replaced. They can become broken and even a burden. They can allow us to lose our focus or waste time. They are more self-serving than life-giving to others. Examples are the obsession with the perfectness of your home, how pristine your car(s) is, how much time you spend proving yourself to others, or making sure you are self-promoting. I was guilty of overworking, trying to prove my worth to others, jockeying for the next promotion, making as much money as I possibly could by any means necessary, and the list goes on and on, depending on the season in my life. As a leader, I know this may sound very familiar.

I discovered that the permanent things matter most! The lesson that I hope you learn from this is that what matters most are permanent things instead of temporary ones. I would venture to say that permanent things are our quality relationships and the time spent nurturing them. Those are the relationships that should be held with such tender care, as this is what truly brings you joy. Joy is that everlasting fulfillment despite the situation or circumstance. If you are not careful, you will find yourself going through relationships without intending to nurture them and make others better because they have been in your presence.

As a leader and in life, your relationships should be the priority over everything, and the best way for you to understand how you can best take care of those relationships is to know how God pursues, cherishes, and takes care of the relationship he has with you. Now think about your spouse or significant other, children, family, friends, those you lead, and those in need. How are you pursuing, cherishing, and caring for those relationships? Here's a scripture that can keep you focused: Philippians 1:9-11 (Message translation) 9-11 So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of, bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, and getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God. 

Following this prescription will keep you focused as a leader on what matters most, how to nurture what matters most, and the why for your proposed actions. Now go and make somebody's day great!

 Exercise Your Power this week-

1.       List who and what has been priority for you over the past year and examine the quality of time you spend on those priorities.

2.       List the relationships that bring you joy and determine why.

3.       Identify consistent ways to care for the most important relationships in your life and move forward with them. 

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